Sunday, 24 April 2016

Harry's Country Home

As well as living with my sister and her husband, Harry quite often visits his country home (Campbeltown) where he spends his day with my parents two Springer Spaniels.
Harry, Murphy and Bonnie.
Harry is a completely different dog when he is staying in Campbeltown. He behaves almost perfectly with the company of the other two dogs and obeys all orders. The influence from the older dogs keep him in his place and he is way down in the pecking order.

Harry's favourite place when visiting Campbeltown is Westport Beach where he would quite happily run all day long. His favourite activity at the beach entails chasing his tennis ball which he then attempts to hide when he thinks you are not looking! 
Harry at Westport Beach with his prized possession.
We are always extra careful to hide socks/food and any other object which Harry shouldn't swallow to avoid trips to the vet and usually his trips to Campbeltown are happy and uneventful. However, one day during summer, my mum took Harry for a walk in the fields with her two dogs, Harry ran on ahead and was seen from the distance digging.... Mum hurried to get closer and she could see that Harry had dug up a large green rubber farmers glove and had thrown his head back and was gulping. Mum reached him just as the fingers disappeared into his mouth. 
No doubt the glove was tasty and covered in cow dung! Naturally, mum panicked as the glove was 10 times bigger than any sock he had swallowed before and so she rushed him to the vet who looked at her in disbelief. She was sure the vet didn't believe her but he agreed to give him the medication to empty the contents of his stomach. One hour later and up came the glove much to the vets astonishment! Unfortunately, Harry has never learned from the trips to the vet and will still hunt out socks although these days he rarely swallows them, he just likes the chase!

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